Thursday, January 19, 2012

h()yEe HOoyee !!

yooo what's up semua........haa....exam aku dah habis woi !! tapi baru hari nie aku upload entry....ngeee~~~ sebab baru hari nie line broadband aku laju dowh !! ahaha....

aku happy sangat..sangat happy !! even deep down in my heart got feeling of hurt....feel of creepy and scary, and its too complicated to tell about or to express it !! buy the way...i accept the fact of what has happen has been write for me !! yup...may be it is for the sin that i have been a normal human being...there are a lot of mistake that been made by me especially when dealing with the teenage life !! okey......stop about heart.....let me continue about my neighbor here !!

as a promise that i have been made before this.......i will share a story about the place im living now. the environment of Lorong Siswa for about six month staying here !! it is the great "hutan" that i ever actually was a nice place to release tension.....such a great place to have a was a great place that i ever had !!

by the way......first time coming here......i feel this place are creepy and scary !! far from the people......located just near to the bush of palm oil.....something that i cannot "run" away !! hahaa....dah jodoh aku dengan kelapa sawit kan ?? bukan dengan orang punya pokok yew !! malam pertama dekat sini...masih terasa bising lagi la..sebab masa tue  family hantar kan...then they are helping us setting up my rent house...buying everything......mopping, sweeping, thrown away any rubbish around !! that was disgusting and really tiring...yela...dekat rumah sendiri tak pernah nak buat macam tue kan ???

kalau korang ada baca entry aku sebelum nie pon aku ada tulis yang aku bosan duduk dekat hutan macam nie !! tak de life la habaq mai dekat hang....terasa tak macam dekat kolej kediaman yang sentiasa bising....tak pernah nak sunyi kan ??? nie la dye alam dewasa kan ??? so...these are those experienced that will teach me how life was it !! seriusly aku tak arse macam dekat kolej kediaman yang aku sentiasa ingini.....boleh lawat-lawat bilik member...tak faham....just direct pergi dekat dorang and tanye !! dekat cinie ??? haip........

then masa dah start labih kurang 3 hari dekat sini...rasa sunyi sangat....timbul dalam hati kata nak pindah la.....sebab sunyi kan !! then one of our member keep going out, just left 3 of us...feel like kene tinggal tak tahu jela kan !! masa tue rasa takut pon ada...naseb la orang sebelah nie ada anak...bising jugak la dengar suara anak dye...pastu dengan kitorang pon yang suka bising...just to overcome that creepy and lonely feeling !! tapi...semua tue rasa macam ape je...bjust make people nearby sakit hati kan ?? ahahaaa......sampai pinadah jiran aku woi !! ahahahaa.......

pas tue...biler dah lama-lama duduk dekat sini....rasa aman sangat !! tenseion pon agak release la duduk dekat area rumah yang macam dalam hutan !! walaupun kadang-kadang tak tahu apa yang berlaku dekat luar rumah kan ?? tapi rasa best jer nak study......sunyi !!! just aku.....lazy person in the world !! aku tak boleh la nak tiru gaya hidup orang lain.....aku kene study tiap-tiap malam la....tak leh main !! so..semester 3 nie kire pengajaran buat aku la !! haaaa........=.="

pas tue pulak...bila dah lama duduk dekat cinie...berkenalan pulak dengan jiran-jiran kan !! best...paling aku suka jiran aku yang jual coklat !! sweet sangat....macam coklat dye jugak la !!! itu pun kebetulan......tengok dekat facebook ada orang jual coklat murah kan...nak rasa....then beli !! bila nak bagi alamat tue...haih...rasa nak gelak pon ada......yela jiran....tak pernah nak tegur apa semua kan....just lalu pandang macam tue je......!!
 pas tue dengan aku lagi kan....nak senyum pon susah eh.....!!. agak kelakar la masa tue !! then yang jiran sebelah nie plak budak starting school aku...haaa....lagi la !! malu teramat !! siap satu kelas masa english pulak !! hatoi....lagi la aku buat tak mahu kenal kan !! hehe......malu syiot !! tapi pape pon....dorang semu AWESOME !!!!

then sekarang nie masa cuti semester semua pulang !! sunyi jugak la !! huhu......tapi pape pon aku suker dan tak mahu pindah dari sini !!

okey la.....esok aku nak balik.....wish aku balik dalam keadaan yang dirahmati Allah !!

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