Thursday, October 13, 2011

OMG are u today?? feeling great?? excited?? or up to u...your heart..your body..determined what is the best for your day !!

once class been cancelled...arrghhh....frustrated nyer !!! why?? why ?? why ?? frankly speak, i dont like much when my class been cancelled. u know why....when I get up on word will out of my mouth is that.....i want "ILMU" !!, if my class been cancelled, i dont get it and also, i dont like stting at home for the est of my time, quite bored here !!

aku dah kenapa?? nie la aku...perangai yang tak tentu hala...buat orang rasa gerun sesangat la nak kawan dengan aku. kalau dah berjalan tue...muka tak reti nak senyum la...sombong dengan bongkak datang bersama !! tapi bukan itu bagus?? so that...people wont dare to disturb you....what else to say?? look like u are really mean !!

aku sangat bosan hidup dalam dunia yang macam kepompong nie...sungguh aku cakap !! kamu semua bayangkan...rutin harian aku hanya berkisarkan tempat tinggal dan ruang legar parit raja nie serta uthm. aku dah tak de tempat lain nak more chillax time with freinds...outing was just like bazir duit aje kan?? dah la kewangan sekarang agak merundum...hidup macam merempat dekat rumah sendiri. layak ke macam itu...mesti lah tak kan??

asignment...asignment...asignment....argghh...lagi satu bala yang memang susah nak pisah dengan hidp aku. tak pernah la dye nak bagi aku hidup aku nie senang !! nak buat macam mane kan?? terpaksa la aku harung juga !! haish...aku tak tahu la apa lagi nak cakap sekarang. aku sangat tak de idea what else to be merapu here....yes totally i say im bired but there is no idea for me to write. no idea what to share with...nope !! titally more i notice about myself is...i lost skill of speaking. this what people be better to be stupid than be a lazy person. why?? stupid person is really dummy one...but lzay person isnot dummy. they know what to achoeve in  her life...but they dont practice it. like me !!! ahaha.....